Complete the cryptic passage below for a subtle hint:
My name is Peter, her name __ Jane. We hold hands when crossing the ____way tracks.
To narrow it down further, the country's people start with a J and rhymes with "dew".
Ok, I better stop before I make it too easy.
T plus 100 - not in you-know-where
I was supposed to celebrate my 100th day in The Country Which Shall Not be Named. And I did everything the Internet told me to do - woke up early, caught the bus to the border, waited patiently in line for three hours to get past various security checkpoints. And at the very last stage, I was told very politely, and very firmly that I had to turn back because I didn't have the required visa. Even though the vast majority of tourists could apply for a visa on arrival. This is what happens when diplomatic relations between two countries don't exist.
So I find myself back in Amman where I'm contemplating my next move. Should I apply for a visa and risk a potentially long wait, or should I just give up and move on?
I'm leaning towards the former, because I've already missed out on Iraq due to the same issue. And Jordan isn't such a bad place to chill out for a week or two I suppose. The only concerns are 1. I'm wasting time and 2. I'm spending money on accommodation and food while wasting time. This scenario doesn't jive well with my must-save-every-cent Penang Chinese mentality, but I shall try to suppress the voice in my head for now.
Update soon.